Friday, February 27, 2009

exciting news!

i got some very exciting news about a week and half ago....i found out that i got accepted to graduate school for the fall semester of 2009! i will be attending piedmont college, which is about twenty minutes away from where i got my undergraduate degree. i've been planning to move back home this fall to live with my parents and attend school...but i haven't been able to finalize anything until i knew that i was officially accepted to school. once i finally got all my paperwork in and completed, i received my official letter telling me that i was accepted!

my fabulous coworker jessica and my wonderful coteacher april made me really cute congratulations signs for my classroom door at school. the owner of the school also made me a congratulations sign which was just so sweet! i'm SO excited to start school in the fall even though i am going to miss my job and my kids and my coworkers so much! however, i'm ready for this next phase in my life and i can't wait to see what the future holds!